Overheard in a shop aisle.

While pottering around a local shop in town on Saturday. I found myself in an aisle looking for, above all things, a glue stick. Behind me stood about 3 or 4 locals having a conversation. It went roughly like this between also the dramatis personae;

Person 1 'So, he's been away then?'

Person 2 'Yes'

Person 3 'Didn't he go to Paris?'

Person 2 'No. He didn't go to Paris. He's never been to Paris.'

Person 3 'Oh, wasn't it somewhere exotic, though?'

Person 1 'Was it America? I'd heard he'd been to somewhere in America'

Person 2 'No. He went to Whitby.'

At which point I think I sighed and left the aisle as swiftly as possible...


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