
Showing posts from July, 2016

Reaching the end...

It is nearly time. Time to chop up the English Heritage card at the end of next month. It has been a great investment, I think. We have used it as much as possible! We still have about 7 weeks left and a fair few things lined up to squeeze the last drop from it.  We have used it from Devon to Northamptonshire, and from Yorkshire to Warwickshire. It has forced us to get out and discover. That's my favourite by-product. It has driven us to make the most off it. This has included arranging holidays around places to see and taking, like yesterday, large days out which we'd not have considered, had we not had the membership. It has also been, fun! (perhaps more so for me as a history buff, than the poor suffering family members). We have visited ruins that are essentially bits of walls left in fields. We have visited grand ruined Abbeys (That made you wish the dissolution had never happened and they still stood, complete; like Roche & Rievaulx), Great Castles, like Dartmou
Who knew? It's true. I never thought it could be, but it is. There can be TOO MUCH news! My head is spinning. From the crushing disappointment of the European referendum vote, where you suddenly realise that the country you live in is full of 52% of people who were either, too gullible in believing the made up fantasies of Farage & Johnson. Who, to their credit, I suppose didn't promise 'the Moon on a Stick' (they only thing they didn't offer though), or essentially racists, who's views have been mainstreamed by the likes of Nigel Farage, who in his blokeish appeal means we can now openly propose a dislike of breathing the same air as the polish, Lithuanians or any other person whose skin is not white, or they were born abroad. Or the classic red herring of the EU being 'Undemocratic!', don't even start me on that particular chestnut unless you actually, and I mean actually understand the electoral method of our parliamentary democracy & o

South Wingfield Manor visit.

It has always been a fascinating place to view. As you drive from our house towards Crich and Cromford. A great ruin stands set back in the countryside; South Wingfield Manor. It is privately owned but administered by English Heritage. It forms part of a working farm. It is enormous. So, armed with our English Heritage membership, we booked ourselves on one of the guided tours - this is the only way you can view the place - because it is all on private land, etc. And, guaranteed great weather because it's the height of summer we set out...into the rain.  This summer has been appalling. However, South Wingfield manor is not appalling. It is very impressive. It also provides no clue to its scale until you arrive at the front door, so to speak. It is an incredibly important building. It was built by one of the most important people in the country. Ralph De Cromwell, was a big deal in the 1400's. At 22, he fought alongside Henry V at Agincourt. He was plugged into t