War..Huh...What is good for...people who enjoy re-enactment really.
In the words of the song, by Edwin Starr. War, huh, Yeah, What is it good for, absolutely nothing, Uh Huh. Although, yesterday this was proved wrong as it was good for something. It is good for the 6,000 people who I am told are member of the Sealed Knot . There are those of us, whose hobbies tend to be more sedate in nature; Reading, Gardening, making ships out of matchsticks and then there are those who believe that a weekend could not be complete without charging into some one else behind a 30ft ash pike, dressed as a time traveller from the 17th Century. I am, sadly, not one of these individuals as the idea of camping that frequently fills me with dread. Let alone how you tie down a pike or a halberd to the roof bars of a Ford Fusion. But thanks must go to those individuals who, do, want to live that lifestyle and be truly passionate about their hobby. And I guess be passionate about that 'Period' of English History to want to spend their time and their money...