Crumbs, a month, really?

I was somewhat surprised to see that it had been a month since I posted, something, anything on this blog. Which at times seems a long time and at other times, it seemed a lot longer than that. Yet so much has happened. One fine moment was becoming the family with the screaming, beetroot faced child on an aeroplane. And to the guy who shot me an annoyed glance, to that effect, over the back of his chair, and may have found himself staring into the face of a man, who, had he actually followed that glance with one word about the noise, would find himself doing a charity sky dive, minus the parachute and in fact, the charity bit, more of a dive really, sir, I apologise, it was not a good time. I will not mention what I had planned to do to the french teenagers who delayed a five hour late flight, by another 30minutes inside the plane, it did not involve arriving in England with us, anyway.
So I will put some thoughts together to describe how the family survived their first camping experience, our first family trip to France. And the joy of steaming vegetables into a puree.


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