
Showing posts from June, 2009

As bizarre stories go...

...this one catches the eye . Indeed, now the point I have an issue with is that Aethiests do not believe in the existence of God, Gods, whichever your belief system happens to be. By actually having an Aethiest Camp, are you not, technically, teaching a belief system. Secondly, if it is a camp without religion, is that not really just a summer camp. Admitedly there isnt one I know where one of the competitions is to'disprove the existence of a mythical unicorn'. which reads as a contradiction in terms, but hey ho.

The A team Syndrome

For those of you old to have remembered the A team, a group of soldiers of fortune, wanted by their own government, for crimes, they did not commit. Then you know who Mr T played, Bad Attitude Barracas, or B.A. whose amazing catchphrases such as, 'I pity the fool', and the classic, 'I ain't goin' on no damn plane, FOOL!'. Which is a continual running gag throughout the series that one of the hardest men in the world, just see how he defeats Rocky, in Rocky 3 to witness hos awesome power. B A barracas was afraid of flying, so every episode they, essentially, drugged him and one moment he was having a meal in new mexico and the next he was waking up in a car in Colombia. Yet he fell for it everytime. My daughter I have realised last night is living the life of B A barracas. Everytime we get her into her car seat she may cry and then smile but more often than not falls asleep and everytime she wakes up she's somewhere else and appears stunned. Yet, falls for it

All I need is 9.1million friends to give me just, £1.

and then I can afford this , one of the most iconic buildings of american architecture, the ennis house of Frank Lloyd Wright, now on sale to a private buyer. I would like that to be me! So I calculate that I need to find, 9,100,000 friends to give me a pound each and then I have raised enough to buy it, and a pound is not a huge amount. So the request is out there, fund the Theaker's new home, now! Grace would love it here!

bats for lashes

Seriously, music lovers out there try these girl, 'BATS FOR LASHES' she is an incredible musician and I am rather fond of her sound and her, unique sense of style. Reminds me of PJ Harvey in some ways. definitely worth a search on you tube! bats for lashes!

I so, so, so, promise that I have a very good reason...

...Not to have blogged for a while. I promise. So much quality stuff has happened, that really, really needed commenting on, such as Tories buying Duck Islands, Gordon Brown proving that Michael Foot wasn't the worst labour leader. David Blunkett being stampeded by a cow in derbyshire and perhaps my favourite a new addition to the periodical table, not yet named, but is 112. Which means the song will have to be changed, which takes me back to science lesson at school! pretty confident that they'll have to blend it into the song. I do feel there is a need now for a new substance called, 'dink'. So, my good reason, we have acquired a freeloader, a non-rent paying lodger, who, it would appear only eats, sleeps and poohs. occasionally if the mood takes her Vomit over my wife, bizarrely not me. I can only assume we have bonded in such a way that she knows that instinctively that I can put her in the compost bin. It can only be described as turnign yuor life upside down, but