
Showing posts from April, 2008


Last weekend I bought 2 new suits. I got a free shirt. It is Pink. This has caused quite a debate, should men wear Pinl shirts?

fear and failure of 'new' labour

Story running on the BBC and one which will continue to run. Labour believed they had picked the golden boy, it turned out he was fools gold. How many marginal labour MP's will be looking at the Crewe and Nantwich result with the look of impending political justice, for all those they have failed and all those killed in the pursuit of a democratic Iraq. With a 7000 majority, this by-election looks as though Labour will need a miracle to save this seat. It is going to be more interesting as to how many supporters they will lose. All Labour MP's with less than 7000 majorities will be nervously looking at their leader if this seat is lost. They will not want to lose their seat and as we saw with Tony Blair, Labour MP's, when they think leaders will cost them elections tend to revert to old labour type. Brown is rapidly losing friends and any authority he had as his support leeches away from the failed New labour experiment. the 10p tax screw up will hurt them even more. The l


Underwood was hard today and I am exhausted now. Still I completed the course, though not as fast as I did the last time I ran it. Not looking great for the marathon, but I could after all chug around and not worry about time, I suppose. This could be plan B. I think Plan A is to reconsider if I can run another marathon with the small amount of time I have now, and might have even less soon, if I get through the Interview Process I have been offered. We'll see.

next race

Must be mad, but tomorrow will be my second race of the year. The Underwood 10k road race, through rural Underwood and around the villages, with some nice tasty hills involved. I came 12th the last time I ran it, 2 years ago. It would be nice to just finish tomorrow. It has to be better than Tuesday nights mess. I like this race as it's pretty hard, so it's a good tester. We shall see...

Sad day for Radio 4 and me

I adored 'I'm sorry I haven't a clue' on Radio 4. It was hilarious and have just caught this story on the BBC website Humph was a great chairman and made the show a huge success. I wonder if they will continue. I always thought to myself that once he had gone. It would not be able to continue. I guess we shall find out.

52 words for rain!

rain, rain and more rain. getting heavily wet now.

Running failure

Tonight, while at a booths decorater league road race, I pulled out and stopped running. I have never done this before, and it has really upset me. I experienced a lot of lower back pain, which ground my legs to a halt. I have a marathon in 5 weeks and i 'm not sure, whether I enjoy running or not at the moment. I hate myself for thinking like this, yet I just can't locate the desire or enjoyment to run.

Flippin' Wireless

I have over the last two days, spent 6 hours trying to repair my wifes' wireless connection on her laptop. It has actually given me a headache today! I am though, proud to say succesful as I have enabled it. So from playing in MS-DOS yesterday to re-configuring her Network Connection and wireless adapter today. I finally got it all synch-ed and working. If anyone mentions, DNS, gateway addresses, hexidecimal network keys, i shall, at some point, attempt to wire them into the network also.

The BBC are without doubt worth every penny of the Fee

I have spent 7 years of my life, studying, in one form or another the Ancient Cultures of Greece and Rome. But I had never been able to drive down to the detail that the BBC have stunned me with. They have an 'on this day in history' section and today is; "753 BC: Romulus and Remus found the city of Rome where they were suckled by a she-wolf (traditional date)." So, there it is, April 21st. I feel better now I know. All hail the BBC.

Introduction Number 1

Welcome to my new blog! I suppose I should really introduce myself. I have happily lived in middle age since the age of 15, when I discovered Pink Floyd and realised that the world, can, on occassion be a thought provoking place. My music taste hasn't changed much towards happier music, for that you'll have to talk to my friend Jason Zadrozny, he has that music. I try and run another couple of blogs, but they are pretty one issue focused and I thought why not have a general blog that falls outside the scope of my others and I can literally, review and rant, both of which I excel. I have no real idea of what is within or outside my limits, so I guarantee it will be eclectic in subject as all good Classicists' minds are. Yes, I am part of that dying breed who studied the course with which the UK ruled the empire through the Foreign Office, 50 years after the empire. You'll no doubt see this bad timing is a golden thread through my life. So, here we go, towards a more open