
Showing posts from January, 2021

Dig, dig for Victory. Victory and treasure.

 One of the children's presents this year required some effort! It also took a while to get to the bottom of it (you'll get the joke later!) It involved safety glasses and digging tools. Teeny-tiny digging tools. Before you stands the remains of Atlantis, no less!! As you can see, and much like Pompeii it was covered in Volcanic ash when it was destroyed. The drawback of this is that the material is now hardened and does require some effort to crack through the surface. As you can see there is certainly a temple in the landscape.  Both children approached it with gusto!! and after a good hour or so they had managed to extract all the hidden gems and artefacts hidden within the archaeological site. As you can see below a good haul was found and we have declared it treasure to the relevant authorities! We uncovered gem stones, an ancient Atlantan coin and a helmet to match. We even uncovered Poseidon's trident. We have yet to try and summon up a great island destroying wave.

And so ends, 2020. Quite some year.

  It is almost the end of 2020. By any metric devised it has been somewhat of a spectacular, and remarkable year. At the end of 2019 people assumed that 2020 could not be more of a mess than the preceding one. Turned out that this could happen. I haven't experienced a year like the one we have lived through. And, in fairness, that is an important point, we have got through it and hopefully we'll come out the other side by the end of the next year. There appear to be now easy or quick fixtures to the Covid pandemic. We must remember the 70,000 who didn't make it through with us. For context that is almost two of our hometowns passing away.  This has not been an event that you had the chance to watch from outside, every was involved. Some followed the rules and some, rather famously, decided that their position allowed them to not follow the rules. An interesting year for the current political philosophy of 'Do as I say, not as I do.' Too much of this is infiltrating