
Showing posts from June, 2018

Yes...Too. Much. Football!

Yes. It has rolled around again; It's vast, overblown, and entirely fuelled by money! It is the FIFA World Cup. 2/3 years since FIFA nearly sank under the weight of it's own corruption their global jewell in the crown has landed in Russia. Known around the world for its transparent and open government, virtually free of corruption of any kind. 32 teams of varying quality have arrived in the East to win this golden trophy. This, to me, is the most beautiful trophy in the world. When I was young one of my first memories of world football was Mexico '86. At this time I was a year from secondary school and we were at the height of the Panini sticker albums. I completed the season one for the First Division. Teams like Liverpool, Aston Villa and Chelsea etc. But over the summer of 1986 they released the world Cup sticker album. This book contained non-english people. It was the most foreign publication I had ever seen. There were names I could not pronounce and they seeme

Always There

One of the tangible benefits to a long commute is the time. The time spent within the car can be a fair few hours each day. I have therefore had to find ways to fill the time. One way to do this is via the medium of podcasts. I have found a few of these that I enjoy. One of these has rekindled a nostalgic past love. The pod is called, Always There. For those of you who know and have already made the connection, and I imagine that is probably a lot of you, then you will know that what I mean is Howards Way. Howards Way was one of the most popular TV series. It pulled in over twelve million viewers on a Sunday night. It first aired in 1985 along with another soap opera that is still going, Eastenders (I know which one I prefer!!). It lasted for 5 seasons when it finally ended in 1990. sadly, Eastenders did not... However, like a shooting star, Howards way burnt brighter than all the others. It scorched across the mid-80s landscape encapsulating all that we remember about that very