
Showing posts from April, 2016

A Prince, amongst men.

2016 is proving a particularly tough year if you happen to be a musical genius. The great, musical, one-offs are being snatched from us: Firstly, Bowie was taken away, and now another artist, known by only a single name (and at one point, not even by a name but a symbol!) has gone, too. His name was, Prince. Prince, for those that are unaware, was arguably, one of the most important artists of the last 40 years. The proliferation of African American musical styles from; funk, R&B, hip-hop and soul owes something in someway to the music of, Prince. Along with, Michael Jackson and James Brown he brought music from the streets into the mainstream and then became a global superstar. His blend of outright funk, allied with a talent for producing some of the most beautiful lyrics made him unique. He stood apart from the music of his time. Artistically, in much the same way as, David Bowie, he was decades ahead of his contemporaries. Prince, knew this. He knew his own talent. He o