
Showing posts from October, 2014

The Joy of it all

I am a terrible music snob. No, really. I am. This surprises you doesn't? It shouldn't. I think my passion for music, is perhaps higher than that for books, I think. Yet, even I can make mistakes and so it seems I have of late. I am sure I have blind spots in my musical knowledge; For instance, should you wish to consult an expert in Icelandic death metal, then this would not be me. Would you like to discuss the impact of the music of the 'Carpenters', then again, move on. You can probably also add to this whatever the DJ's (if this is what they are still called on R1), are playing on this station. I imagine it is some form of manifestation of what a migraine is, set to music. So. The, 'Joy Division' then. Perhaps the first band in the history of music to name themselves after the prostitution wing of a concentration camp. Which if not defining them as a band that wanted to challenge preconceptions then I am not sure exactly what else they could have done,