
Showing posts from November, 2013

The Past is wonderful. And history is more than 'States and Dates'. It's people

I have no wish to blow my own trumpet but I was a remarkable historian in my early twenties. My historical mind was as sharp as any others and sharper than most. That leading edge is perhaps a little blunter through lack of continual use. But that is not the point, the passion for history is the point. That is still and will always be there; that inability to douse the fires for knowledge gathering will never go out.  Many people assume history is 'states and dates'. The present government seems to think so. But it isn't to me. Of course, they are part of the framing structure of history and always will. It is however, and always has been, the people involved that piques my interest, the squiggy bits of flesh and blood that have so impacted our world through sheer force of personality and opportunity to be able to change the streams of nationhood and the very world we live in. Some, mostly now ancient people even somehow managed to alter the course of the very world; The