
Showing posts from September, 2013

Agatha Christie: An Apology

I think it happens that you develop an aversion to something or someone to such a point as to almost erase them from existence, within your universe. For me, this has been relatively easy and is strangely one of the most brutal talents I possess. At times this has been a useful skill, other times, perhaps not. However, it has in this particular case meant that I have managed to reach the ripe old age of 37 having never read, nor felt inclined to ever read, any book by Agatha Christie (I have the same pathological feelings towards Dickens, Austin, Hardy. Though I argue in my head that this is a principled stand in regards to the worlds belief that to be educated or literate you have to read these books or be able to recite page after page; You don't) Yet, it seems I find myself mellowing with age. And it was on the drive home after work listening to the radio when a programme came on that I had not been able to hear. It is a called 'A good Read' website here  and the show