Facebook. Do they really know what they have done?
Facebook, arguably one of the two greatest internet success stories of the last decade, the other being Google (to be kind we won't mention, Google +, and most certainly not Google Wave!). They have both become behemoths on the internet; One dominates social media the other internet searches. So, Facebook has made the move to a public listed company. It has made it with a huge value, £104bn (£66bn). But it is still a small child compared to the large tech beasts, as viewed from market capital; As you can see, Apple dominates the Tech industry with Microsoft quite a way behind. But the fundamental difference between Apple/Microsoft & Google/Facebook, is that they make 'Things'. In the case of Apple, they make very beautiful things. Microsoft make 'not as beautiful things', but they are on millions of more machines than Apple tech. And this is where both Google and Facebook sit, precariously. Why? Let's talk Facebook. Facebook doesn't make ...