
Showing posts from September, 2011

It's Not Hard, Think About The Books.

It's really annoying. They are supposed to be the trained specialists. The keepers of the sacred reading grail. In fact Librarians have been known to resist the natural american inclination to censor books that don't 'fit'. As professions go, I probably wouldn't place any other profession above them, not Doctors, not Teachers because Librarians, control and monitor the accumulated knowledge that the worlds possesses and they have done this task since the dawn of the written word. Librarians have at times secretly saved and preserved knowledge for the future and risked their own lives in doing so; it even has its own laws  that's how important they are. But, at a lesser level, they can also be really annoying. Though, technically this really is the fault of the County Councils, who in the UK are legally responsible for Library provision through the secretary of state, empowered by the 1964 Public Libraries Act. All great, and wonderful stuff. Here's my moan. 

Sometimes It Strikes You When You Least Expect It!

I have been looking at Televisions. The reason for this is that at some point our main front room tele, all 14" of it and I have no idea how old it is, possibly older than me, perhaps, seems so my wife tells me, to have become a little temperamental and may well be due an respectful early grave. Probably where the telebugs went too. For those of an age who can remember! I can. This invariably led to the Amazon website. a Website I have used quite a lot, a fair few years ago now, for buying slightly obscure books, if needed for the masters course I began in 2003. Amazon, was, is a good book site, but it now does almost everything except high end military weapons and that is only because the postage costs may prove a little exorbitant from ex-soviet republics. But back to my point. I was buying some fairly esoteric works around 2003-2006, when I was a fairly heavy user of the website for this purpose of building a useful bibliography. Amazon, back then had a fairly nifty

What's the Point?

I am rubbish with dates from the past, I struggle to remember my own historical reference points and often get chronologies incorrect. The reason for this is that, because they live in a time gone, they therefore become irrelevant to my mind and are cast adrift, like English Fireship's were at the Spanish Amarda. I am, you may not be, aware of the irony that I have spent 25% of my life on earth studying some form of history or another at a level above GCSE and, as part of this study, had to memorise many 'states and dates' as historians can label it. My personal history however is littered with dates I struggle to recall. But strangely over the last week I had a date appear on the calender that with what little spare thinking time I have at present, a memory and a date collided in my mind and pricked a memory that was so very clear and stopped me in my tracks. I shall now explain the significance which dawned on me at the moment I realised. The Date is the 23rd of August,